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For a positive mood

Brazil Exports Green Lithium and Gains World Prominence in the Electric Battery Industry

This Thursday (07/27), Brazil sent the first shipment of green lithium in the world from the Port of Vitória, in Espírito Santo. The mineral was extracted in the Jequitinhonha Valley, in Minas Gerais, and has the triple zero standard, characterized by being free of carbon, waste and harmful chemicals. The cargo, destined for China, will be transformed into batteries to be used in various sectors around the globe.

The dispatch event was attended by the National Secretary of Geology, Mining and Mineral Transformation, Vítor Saback, who represented the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, in addition to the Vice President of the Republic, Geraldo Alckmin.

The green lithium is being extracted by Sigma Lithium, responsible for the operation in the Jequitinhonha Valley. The first shipment contains 15,000 tonnes of triple zero green lithium and another 15,000 tonnes of high purity ultra-fine by-products. The expectation is that by the end of the year around 130 thousand tons will be exported.

Brazil has great potential for extracting lithium, placing it among the countries with the greatest capacity in this market, alongside Chile, Argentina, the United States, Canada and Australia. However, Brazilian lithium stands out for its high purity, which makes it ideal for manufacturing more powerful batteries.

Lithium extraction in Minas Gerais is in constant growth, and the collection of companies installed in the Jequitinhonha Valley in the first seven months of 2023 is already approaching the total registered in the whole year of 2022. Lithium has been gaining space among the most extracted in the state, having increased by an impressive 436,16% between 2021 and 2022.

By the end of July, the Financial Compensation for Mineral Exploration (CFEM) referring to lithium in Minas Gerais had already collected R$ 29,134,00.66, intended to benefit the states, the Federal District and federal administration bodies as a form of consideration for the economic use of mineral resources.

With the successful export of green lithium, Brazil demonstrates to the world its immense potential in the sector and reinforces its commitment to the energy transition, showing itself as an important player in the electric battery industry and in the search for cleaner and more sustainable technologies . The country establishes itself as the 5th largest world producer of lithium and continues to expand its share in this growing market.
