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For a positive mood

Brazil Achieves Greater Energy Efficiency Through Unprecedented German Project

A comprehensive study, presented jointly by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, revealed the positive impacts of the Energy Efficiency Program (PEE) in Brazil. The research, released during the Congress on Technological Innovation and Energy Efficiency in the Electrical Sector (Citeenel), highlights that a sample of 1,485 energy efficiency projects, carried out between 2008 and 2022, resulted in annual savings of 1,776 MWh in the country, equivalent to consumption of more than 6 thousand families annually, with greater benefit for low-income consumers.

The study, conducted in collaboration with the Learning Center for Assessment and Results for Lusophone Africa and Brazil at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV EESP CLEAR), was based on the Federal Government's Public Policy Assessment guide. Divided into three main stages – Executive Assessment, Implementation Assessment and Results Assessment – the study involved representatives from several entities, including ANEEL, distributors, companies specializing in Energy Conservation Services (ESCOs), external auditors and a variety of beneficiaries , from city halls to hospitals, industries and water and sanitation distribution companies.

ANEEL's Secretary of Innovation and Energy Transition, Paulo Luciano de Carvalho, highlighted the importance of the Energy Efficiency Program, emphasizing not only the reduction in consumption, but also the significant social, economic and environmental impacts, especially for the most vulnerable part of the world. population.

About the project


This study is part of the partnership between ANEEL and the Future Energy Systems project, which is part of the Brazil-Germany Cooperation for Sustainable Development, implemented by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and GIZ, with resources from the Federal Ministry of German Economic and Development Cooperation (BMZ). It is based on the estimate of a considerable increase of 18% in per capita energy consumption in Brazil by 2029, driving the need to improve the country's energy system. With production currently dependent on renewable sources, notably 60% from hydroelectric energy and 20% from other sources, such as wind, biomass and photovoltaics, Brazil faces challenges related to climate change and periods of drought, which directly impact hydroelectric production.

To address these issues, this project was implemented to strengthen energy efficiency and the integration of renewable sources into the Brazilian energy system. By providing strategic guidance to ministries, authorities, banks and public bodies, as well as supporting the implementation of management and collaboration structures, the project seeks to optimize the use of the country's vast renewable energy potential.

In partnership with the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), the project is working to improve the regulatory framework to facilitate the integration of innovative technologies and sustainable business models in the energy sector. The program also carried out two learning networks, focusing on energy efficiency in public buildings and energy management in industry, respectively.

Furthermore, the project is committed to developing pilot projects that highlight new technologies and models related to sustainable energy and green growth. A notable example is the implementation of the Energy Management System (SGE) with ISO 50.001 certification in the headquarters building of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) in Brasília, demonstrating Brazil's commitment to sustainable and efficient practices in its energy infrastructure.

