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Aneel Improves Requirements in 2024 Transmission Auction

The National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) approved the notice for the first transmission auction of 2024, which projects investments of R$ 18.2 billion in more than 6.4 thousand kilometers of new lines distributed in 15 lots. This figure represents a reduction compared to the initial proposal of R$ 20.5 billion, as approved in public consultation.

The initiative brings innovations aimed at improving the security of the event, with a focus on qualifying bidders. One of the main changes is the inclusion of mandatory independent audits in the balance sheets of all companies interested in participating in the auction. This measure seeks to ensure that only companies with the financial capacity to carry out the works are considered from the beginning of the process, avoiding problems such as those that occurred in previous auctions.

Aneel's general director, Sandoval Feitosa, highlighted that, although there is no legal provision for the request to prove the balance sheet of companies that are not Public Limited Companies, the proposal aims to avoid harm to competition. He highlighted the importance of meeting requirements in a balanced way to avoid problems similar to those that occurred in past auctions.

In addition to the independent audit, the proposal submitted to public consultation establishes criteria for proving the experience of the proponents, requiring the implementation of similar works corresponding to at least 30% of the size of the projects won in the tender.

Another relevant innovation is the possibility of competition between other bidders for the lot in the event of the winning bidder being disqualified. The runner-up will be invited to take on the contract with the same winning proposal, and if not accepted, other bidders will be consulted.

The auction will involve 15 lots, totaling 69 transmission facilities in 14 Brazilian states. The reduction in minimum construction deadlines and improvement measures seek to guarantee the efficiency and transparency of the process, promoting the development of the electric energy sector in the country.
