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For a positive mood

By: Climate Positive Outlook

Aneel Opens Public Consultation for Energy Storage Regulation

In October 2023, the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) announced the opening of a public consultation to debate the regulation of energy storage, including reversible hydroelectric plants. The discussion is based on a Regulatory Impact Analysis (AIR), which presents alternatives for implementing storage systems in the electricity sector, aiming to support the transition to a more sustainable energy matrix.

The theme is not limited only to the energy transition, but also addresses the challenges related to the security of the operation of the electrical system, in view of the increasing integration of renewable sources, such as wind and solar energy, and distributed energy resources, including micro and mini generation of energy.

Energy storage comprises several technologies, and the impact analysis proposes a neutral approach towards specific technologies, without favoring one over another. The document highlights the operational flexibility of these solutions, highlighting their ability to absorb surplus intermittent generation, reallocate peak demand, ensure greater availability for operators, provide ancillary services, optimize network use and reduce investments in new generation capacities , transmission and distribution. Furthermore, storage can help consumers manage their electricity costs, improving the quality of supply.

Another relevant point is the potential of storage to improve the reliability of the transmission system, enabling the postponement or replacement of conventional network expansions, when necessary.

Aneel had already started preliminary discussions on the matter through a grant-making process. Based on the contributions received, the agency prepared a “regulatory roadmap” divided into three discussion cycles, each lasting 18 months.

The first cycle, from 2022 to 2023, involved initial debates on the topic, characterization of available resources, definition of services to be provided, as well as issues related to commercialization and necessary regulatory adjustments.

In the second cycle, from 2023 to 2024, open cycle reversible hydroelectric plants will be addressed, which are not connected to watercourses or do not significantly impact the hydrological regime. Furthermore, the economic viability of storage will be assessed, including the possibility of developing Regulatory Sandboxes, which allow controlled experiments.

The third cycle will include more complex topics, such as Aggregators for the various services, simulations in computational models and their impacts, as well as the exploration of new business models, along with deepening the definitions of revenue stacking.

The AIR will be open for contributions for a period of 60 days, until December 16, through a specific electronic form available on Aneel's Public Consultations page. This important public consultation process aims to create fundamental guidelines for the future of energy storage in Brazil and its role in the transition to a more sustainable and efficient energy matrix.
