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ANEEL Opens Public Consultation for Renewable Hydrogen Projects

The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) announced the start of the public consultation period for renewable hydrogen projects, also known as green hydrogen. Considered one of the fuels of the future, renewable hydrogen has emerged as an important alternative to fossil fuels, in the context of decarbonizing the economy and mitigating anthropogenic climate change.

From this Wednesday, June 7th, until July 24th, the draft call for registration of proposals will be available for contributions. The main objective of this initiative is to promote projects that promote the production of hydrogen from renewable sources of electricity, such as hydraulic, biomass, wind and solar energy. In this way, the aim is to ensure that hydrogen is obtained without the emission of gases that contribute to global warming.

The call for projects may also cover the development of ancillary technologies that contribute to the energy efficiency of processes for converting electricity to hydrogen and vice versa, in addition to storage and transport processes, with a view to reducing or recovering energy losses.

ANEEL will allow the submission of projects in the Pilot Plant and Parts and Components modalities. These projects are expected to make it possible to analyze the impacts and externalities on the electrical system, identify opportunities for the electrical sector in the production of renewable hydrogen, dimension non-technical obstacles and propose regulatory improvements. In addition, the Agency counts on the development of national technologies, innovative solutions and the creation of innovation networks in renewable hydrogen, as well as new products and business models.

The admission of projects related to nuclear energy awaits the position of the Federal Attorney's Office at ANEEL, since research in this area is the responsibility of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN).

To participate in the public consultation, interested parties may access the ANEEL page (https://www.gov.br/aneel/pt-br/acesso-a-informacao/participacao-social/consultas-publicas), where the draft of the call and a specific form for sending contributions will be available. The contribution period runs from June 7 to July 24, 2023.
