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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

By: Kleyson Carvalho

Zero Rate for Solar Modules

Faced with the urgent need to transition the energy matrix around the world, with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Brazil has stood out as a protagonist in this scenario of sustainability.

An important step taken by the country in this direction was the creation of PADIS – Support Program for the Technological Development of the Semiconductor Industry, which is part of the public, industrial and science, technology and innovation (ST&I) policies of the Ministry of Science, Technology and inovation; instituted by Law No. 11,484, of May 31, 2007.

The objectives of this Law and its regulation are to benefit companies that invest in research, development and innovation (RD&I) in the sectors of semiconductors and displays (information displays); thus aiming to encourage the implementation and maintenance of such activities in the country.

After the country surpassed all forecasts for photovoltaic energy generation in 2022, the segment gained yet another incentive to increase its activity in 2023, with the publication in the Official Gazette this last Wednesday (03/29/2023), of a Decree which included tax exemption for photovoltaic modules in the tax exemption program for semiconductors.

The practical effects of this inclusion of photovoltaic modules in PADIS, is the attribution of a “zero rate” of 04 taxes: – Import Tax (II), Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI), Social Integration Program (PIS) and Social Contribution on o Net Income (COFINS).

According to the MDIC, the expansion of the program to the solar panel industry boosts the production of semiconductors and the generation of quality jobs in different states. For the folder, the growth of the semiconductor industry could stimulate innovation in other areas, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Regarding solar energy, the ministry points out that PADIS will increase investments in green infrastructure and in new clean energy plants in several regions of the country.


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This content was originally created in Portuguese.
