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For a positive mood

Global Alliance for Biofuels Debates Energy Decarbonization

Last Saturday, 07/22, Brazil participated in the Global Biofuels Alliance – GBA held in Goa, India. During the event, the Global Alliance for Biofuels was launched, which aims to highlight leaders and alliances to expand technical and technological cooperation in the expansion of biofuels.

The proposal was highlighted by the participation of the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil, Alexandre Silveira, who highlighted the decarbonization process of the transport sector in addition to the energy transaction, necessary to comply with the Paris Agreement.

Brazil supported the project in its creation, in addition to guaranteeing that the proposal aims to offer a concentrated and immediate proposal for the decarbonization process of the transport sector. The idea of launching Brazil in a proposal as a Global Alliance for Biofuels shows that developing nations are moving towards achieving renewable energy.

During the process, it is possible to observe efforts to generate employment and income, in addition to reducing the price for the final consumer. In addition, the Global Alliance for Biofuels highlights the reduction of the carbon footprint in the transport sector. Investing in sustainable mobility is a more efficient and cost-effective option to create a better world.

Since its launch in 2003, flex-fuel vehicles have been considered a great bet for the Brazilian technological solution. The proposal is highly competitive and efficient, allowing a good ratio between gasoline and ethanol, in addition to bringing economic advantages to the consumer and contributing to sustainability. The project brought great visibility to the national industry and was recognized by the International Energy Agency. Biotechnology and bioenergy are issues in which Brazil stands out.

Currently, approximately 80% of the light vehicle fleet in Brazil is made up of flex-fuel vehicles, whose sales have already exceeded 40 million units in 20 years. Over almost 40 years, the use of ethanol as fuel in the country has saved more than 2.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent, which corresponds to more than two years of current Brazilian oil production. This savings amounts to more than $200 billion at current prices.

Brazil has one of the cleanest energy matrices among major economies, thanks to the use of alternatives to coal and oil, such as biofuels and the use of hydroelectric plants to generate clean energy. With a special focus on the transport sector, the country is working to create a public policy that promotes mobility, sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions. This proposal is called “Fuel of the Future” and aims to boost Brazil's progress in this area.

The Renovabio program is also among the government's alternatives. Through RenovaBio, decarbonization targets are established for fuel distributors, which are encouraged to purchase decarbonization credits (CBIOs) from certified biofuel producers. In this way, RenovaBio promotes the environmental and economic sustainability of the Brazilian energy sector.

Currently, the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) is discussing a proposal to increase the ethanol content in gasoline from 27.5% to 30%. This measure aims to encourage the sugar-energy industry, making Brazil's decarbonization policy cheaper and more competitive. In addition, products such as ethanol, biodiesel and biomethane are highlights of these political proposals, which aim to promote the environmental and economic sustainability of the Brazilian energy sector.
