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National Energy Agency (ANEEL) Approves Methodology for Calculating Tariffs for Use of the Transmission and Distribution System

ANEEL approved the methodology for calculating the TUST and TUSD tariffs for generation plants connected at 88 kV and 138 kV. This decision will have an impact on the next five tariff cycles, from 2023 to 2028. The objective is to realign transmission costs and ensure a balance in charging for the use of the National Interconnected System. The methodology uses the calculation for the intensification of the locational signal, increasing in up to ten percentage points each cycle to balance the costs. The TUST is calculated considering the share of the generating plant, both regional and national, and varies over the years. The increase in tariffs is related to the readjustment index provided for in the concession contracts and the transmission expansion system. Provisional Measure 1,118/2022 ensures the use of the additional signal methodology by ANEEL.

Access the Link: National Energy Agency (ANEEL) Approves Methodology for Calculating Tariffs for Use of the Transmission and Distribution System 
