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National Energy Agency (ANEEL) Approves Methodology for Calculating Tariffs for Use of the Transmission and Distribution System

The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) held a meeting to approve the methodology used in the calculation of Tariffs for the Use of the Transmission System (TUST) and Tariffs for the Use of the Distribution System (TUSD) for generation centers connected at 88 kV and 138 kV (TUSD-g). This decision will have an impact over five tariff cycles, covering the period from 2023 to 2028.

The TUST and TUSD tariffs are paid by users of the Basic Electricity Network for the use of transmission and distribution systems. This process seeks to realign transmission costs, ensuring a balance in charging for the use of the National Interconnected System (SIN). ANEEL opted to apply the methodology during the tariff cycle, using the calculation by the intensification of the locational signal.

At each cycle, the application of the calculation will be increased by up to ten percentage points, seeking to balance the years 2027 and 2028, considering the calculation of the additional cost. These calculations are measured by the Transmission Upgrade Index (IAT), which takes into account floating rates and mobile upper and lower limits.

This dynamic follows, highlighted Hélvio Guerra, that a floating tariff with efficient price signaling avoids crossed subsidies and favors the optimization of the transmission system expansion process. This expansion is directly linked to the operation of the interconnected system. In this way, the TUST is the starting value in the connection bar of the generating plant.

The TUST calculated according to the connection bar is determined by the percentage of participation of the generating center, considering both the regional scenario and the national scenario. The composition of the TUST varies from 100% of participation for the years 2022 and 2023, to 50% of participation between the years of 2027 and 2028.

The increase in tariffs is motivated by the readjustment index provided for in the concession contracts and is related to the transmission expansion system, which includes several improvements. In regulatory terms, Provisional Measure 1,118/2022 guarantees that ANEEL will continue to use the additional signal methodology to define TUSD/TUST tariffs.
