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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

By: Kleyson Carvalho

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine to reproduce human skills, such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity, by allowing technical systems to understand and distinguish the environment that surrounds them, as well as solve problems, to achieve specific objective(s).


It consists of the integration of devices and software, such as route applications, virtual assistants, image analysis and processing software, search engines, facial and voice recognition systems, capable of emulating situations through the analysis of a large volume of data (big data) and the identification of patterns, through different methods – machine learning, deep learning (the latter, based on a set of algorithms that model high-level data abstractions, with multiple layers of processing, composed of several linear transformations and non-linear, capable of simulating the behavior of the human brain and making predictions with very high precision) –, enabling analysis, decision-making and execution of tasks faster and more effectively than humans.


Economy in Rapid Transition and Increasingly Digital

Currently, the importance of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives has proven essential for the digital transformation of society and the achievement of a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable economic system, based on net zero emissions and sustainability, by incorporating transversal technologies (cloud computing , edge computing, big data and dataops (analytics, data science and business intelligence), 5G connectivity, blockchain, AR/VR/MR (augmented, virtual and mixed reality), CPS (cyber-physical systems), digital manufacturing, additive manufacturing (3D printing), IoT/IoS (technologies and platforms for the internet of things and services), machine to machine (advanced robotics), drones, automation and digitalization of the utilities and manufacturing industry, among others) and advanced materials (biocomposites, bioplastics and new materials), throughout the value chain of the sectors of energy, oil & gas, food & primary products, retail, services, infrastructure & commercial construction, transport & logistics, mining & heavy industry, aerospace industry, naval industry, governments & public organizations and financial & insurance institutions, contributing to solving humanity's greatest challenges, – in line with the UN 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals –, which I highlight: the fight against climate change and its impacts; the sustainable and conscious use of natural resources; the conservation of biodiversity; and sustainable production and consumption.


Sustainable Production – Caring for the Earth, Caring for People

In recent years, the presence of Artificial Intelligence has been intensifying and optimizing the food and primary products industry, proving to be the key to creating a safe and sustainable food system, by ensuring the increase in the production of healthier foods, from investments in mechanization and biotechnology (Agriculture 4.0), directly impacting for sustainability and for increasing global productivity, according to the incorporation of advanced soil and water management and conservation techniques, the use of quality seeds, integrated pest management and biological control, non-chemical weed management, mechanization and precision agriculture, and monitoring and agricultural management, minimizing the environmental impacts caused by the activity.


Opinion Article: Kleyson Carvalho

Founder of Oakpar Group / Oakpar Foundation and idealizer of SollusAgri - visionary with a passion for excellence, sustainability, innovation and high technology, he is an enthusiastic supporter of the low-carbon economy, ESG & impact investing and environmental, social and climate causes.


The articles published in the 'Opinion' section seek to spread and democratize knowledge and stimulate debate and reflection, by clarifying the reader's view of the main topics of world interest in the areas of energy, energy efficiency and sustainability. Through this section, we seek to provide relevant and specialized information about the challenges, problems and solutions for Brazil and other countries in the world, according to the analyzes and perspectives of its editors.

The content published here does not necessarily reflect our opinion. Therefore, we are not responsible or appropriate for the opinions published in this section.

Article suggestions should be sent to publishing@climatepositiveoutlook.info and will be evaluated by the special content editor. This content was originally created in Portuguese.
