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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

By: Kleyson Carvalho

The Growing Low Carbon Economy

The low-carbon economy is a growing trend in Brazil and around the world, with companies seeking to meet stakeholder demands and preserve the environment. The implementation of sustainable practices can be evaluated by ESG criteria (acronym in English for Environmental, Social and Governance).

With regard to the environmental aspect, the reduction of CO₂ emissions is one of the main measures adopted by companies. This can be done by replacing fossil energy sources with renewable ones, such as solar energy, and energy efficiency. In addition, waste management and preservation of natural resources are other examples of sustainable actions.

In the social aspect, companies are increasingly aware of their role in society, seeking to guarantee labor rights, diversity and inclusion. Corporate social responsibility is a fundamental part of companies' sustainable strategy.

See strategies with corporations:

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: companies can implement practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, switching to clean energy sources, among other actions.

Use of sustainable materials: Companies can consciously choose more sustainable materials for their products, such as recycled plastics, certified wood and other sustainable materials, in order to reduce their environmental impact and ecological footprint.

Development of resource-efficient products: Companies can develop products that are more resource-efficient, such as low-energy technologies, optimizing the use of materials, among other initiatives, aimed at increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

When it comes to governance, transparency and financial responsibility are increasingly valued aspects. Companies must meet standards of integrity, protect the interests of shareholders and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

The low-carbon economy is a growing trend in Brazil and around the world, with companies seeking to adapt to a new business scenario. The implementation of ESG practices is one of the ways to meet the demands of stakeholders and preserve the environment. By integrating sustainability into their corporate strategies, companies can ensure the long-term success of their business and the satisfaction of their customers. stakeholders.

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This content was originally created in Portuguese.
