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For a positive mood


Photovoltaic energy is made from cells usually made of silicon that are grouped into solar panels installed on roofs, land or specific structures to capture sunlight. The use of this energy source can reduce electricity costs and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Common questions

Solar energy or photovoltaic energy originates from emitted radiation by the sun. This radiation is composed of particles of light called photons, emitted by the sun in all directions. The Earth receives a small fraction of this radiation, what, yet, is enough to meet all the energy needs of the planet. Solar energy can be harnessed in a variety of ways., for example, by through photovoltaic technology, which converts sunlight directly into electricity, or solar heating systems, which use the sun's thermal energy to heat water or environments. I.e, solar energy is a clean and renewable source of energy, which does not emit polluting gases and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar energy is generated from solar radiation, captured by solar panels and converted into electricity. Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic cells made of semiconductor materials such as silicon. When sunlight hits the photovoltaic cells, it is absorbed by the electrons present in the material, generating an electric current. This electrical current is then conducted through wires to an inverter, which converts the direct current generated by the solar panels into alternating current., and even used to power electrical appliances and lighting. The excess energy produced by solar panels can be stored in accumulators for later use. Then, the solar energy systems, Installed in homes, businesses and industries, they are a sustainable and economical alternative for generating electricity. That's why, photovoltaic technology It is increasingly accessible and efficient, making solar energy a alternative viable for the energy transition worldwide.

Adherence to photovoltaics benefits the environment, the economy and society as a whole. Some of these benefits include:

  • Sustainability: Photovoltaic energy is a clean and renewable source of energy, which does not emit polluting gases and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By joining photovoltaic energy, you are contributing to the preservation of the environment and to the fight against climate change.
  • Savings: Solar energy can save on your electricity bill, as it, produced by solar panels, Can be used to power electrical appliances and lighting, as well as the surplus energy produced sold back to the electricity grid, generating credits on the electricity bill.
  • Energy autonomy: By generating your own energy, you It is less dependent on the conventional electricity grid and he has more energy autonomy in case of power outages or supply cuts.
  • Property valuation: Properties with photovoltaic energy systems installed tend to have a higher market value, since they are valued sustainable and economically.
  • Government incentives: In many countries, there are government incentive programs for installing solar energy systems, such as credit lines with low interest and tax exemption.

That's why, joining photovoltaic energy is a smart and sustainable choice, with benefits for the environment, economy and society as a whole.

The photovoltaic effect is a physical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight falls on semiconductor materials, such as silicon, and generates an electric current. This process is possible because sunlight is composed of particles called photons, which have enough energy to activate electrons present in the semiconductor material, generating an electrical potential difference.

The photovoltaic effect is one of the main foundations of photovoltaic technology, yet more affordable and efficient, making solar energy a viable option for the energy transition around the world.

This electrical potential can be used to generate electricity, through of photovoltaic technology. Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic cells, made of semiconductor materials and capture sunlight to generate electricity. When sunlight falls on photovoltaic cells, the photovoltaic effect is triggered and generates an electric current used to power electrical appliances and lighting.

The photoelectric effect is a physical phenomenon that occurs when light falls on a material and releases electrons, generating an electric current. 

The photoelectric effect, discovered in the 19th century, it was only understood in detail in the twentieth century with the help of quantum theory. This phenomenon has applications in several areas, such as the production of solar energy, photography, television, image sensors, among others.

In solar energy production, the photoelectric effect is used to generate electricity from sunlight. Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic cells made of semiconductor materials, in order to capture sunlight to generate electricity. When sunlight falls on photovoltaic cells, the photoelectric effect is triggered and generates an electric current used to power electrical appliances and lighting.

Remote self-consumption is a model of generation and consumption of electricity and allows energy produced by a renewable source, example solar energy, is used in places other than the place of generation. In this model, energy is injected into the electrical grid and can be consumed at other points of consumption, such as homes, companies or industries.

Remote self-consumption is possible due to smart metering technology in order to that the energy produced and consumed is monitored in real time. With this technology, it is possible to measure the amount of energy produced by the solar panels and the amount of energy consumed by the consumption points, allowing the energy credits to be compensated between the different places of consumption.

This model of generation and consumption of electric energy brings, consequently, the reduction of electricity costs, the reduction of dependence on the conventional electricity network and the contribution to environmental sustainability. In addition, remote self-consumption is a way to encourage the distributed generation of renewable energy, which contributes to the diversification of the energy matrix and to the democratization of electricity.

Remote self-consumption is regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) in Brazil and by other regulatory agencies in other countries. The model adopted in relevance, all around the world, drives the technological advancements and the growing concern for environmental sustainability.

To convert kW to kWh it is necessary to take into account the energy consumption time. The kW (kilowatt) is a unit of power.herewhich measures the amount of energy consumed or generated per unit of time. The kWh (kilowatt-hour) is a unit of energy.herewhich measures the amount of energy consumed or generated in an hour.

To convert kW to kWh is You need to multiply the power in kW by the consumption time in hours. For example, if an electrical appliance has a power of 1 kW and is used for 2 hours, the energy consumption will be 2 kWh.

The formula for making the conversion is as follows: kWh = kW x hours

For example, if a photovoltaic system has a power of 5 kW and generates energy for 6 hours a day, the amount of energy generated will be of 5 kW x 6 hours, equivalent to 30 kWh per day.

This conversion is important for calculating the consumption of electricity and for evaluating the energy efficiency of equipment and systems. It is important to remember that electricity consumption is measured in kWh and that the power of electrical equipment is measured in kW.

The solar energy can be used to generate electricity at different scales. In addition to being a sustainable and clean option, it can also be sold, generating business and investment opportunities.

There are different ways of selling solar energy, such as the sale of excess energy generated by residential systems connected to the electrical grid, the sale of energy to the electrical grid by large solar plants or commercial installations, the renewable energy credits and the solar energy as a service.

The viability of selling solar energy depends on the energy policies and incentives offered by the local or national government, as well as the economic conditions of the energy market in the region. That's why, It is important to check the regulations and opportunities available in each location to determine the best option for selling solar energy.

Selling solar energy can be a lucrative and sustainable business opportunity. For this, it is necessary to follow some important steps in order to create and develop an enterprise in this sector:

  • Conduct market research to understand the demand for solar energy in your area. Identify the profile of potential customers, such as homes, businesses, industries or governments. Also, check local regulations and policies to encourage solar energy, as this may impact the market and business model.
  • Check the legal and regulatory requirements for operating as a solar energy provider in your area. This may include obtaining necessary licenses, certifications and permits for the installation and sale of solar energy systems.
  • Make sure that you and your team are properly trained in solar energy technologies and techniques. Adequate training is essential to offer quality and safety solutions to customers.
  • Determine what types of solar energy systems you will offer, such as photovoltaic panels for homes or commercial installations, solar water heating systems, hybrid solar energy systems, and more. Also, consider whether you will be focusing on sales, installation, maintenance or a full service package.
  • Establish partnerships with manufacturers and distributors of solar energy equipment and components. Having access to quality products at competitive prices is essential for business success.
  • Develop a marketing strategy to publicize your products and services. Use traditional and digital media to reach your potential customers. Highlight the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy to attract interested parties.
  • Prepare detailed quotes for interested clients, including cost estimates, return on investment (ROI) and time to market. payback. Customize proposals according to the needs of each client.
  • Offer quality service, from the first contact to installation and after-sales. A good relationship with customers can result in recommendations and loyalty.
  • Provide warranties and maintenance services for installed systems. This gives security to customers and helps build a good reputation in the market.
  • Stay tuned for changes in the solar energy market, such as technological advances and new government policies. Adapting to trends and innovations is key to staying competitive.

In view of this, the selling solar energy is an activity that requires technical knowledge, commitment to sustainability and business ethics. So, to offer reliable and efficient solutions, you can contribute to the expansion of solar energy as an alternative most adopted around the world.

Capacitors play a key role in systems for generating, transmitting and distributing electrical energy from solar sources. In photovoltaic systems, solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC), converted into alternating current (AC) by means of an inverter, before being used or injected into the electrical grid.

In this way, capacitors reduce fluctuations and make the system more reliable and efficient. In addition, they play an important role in power factor correction, improving transmission efficiency and energy utilization.

These components also help offset reactive power in PV systems, improving overall efficiency. In addition, they can be used as filters to reduce unwanted harmonics in the electrical current, ensuring that the generated energy complies with the quality standards of the network.

In addition to their application in photovoltaic systems, capacitors also play a relevant role in energy storage systems – batteries – improving storage efficiency.

Yes, solar energy systems can work on rainy days, but its efficiency will be reduced compared to sunny days. However, during periods of rain or overcast skies, the amount of sunlight available is significantly less, impacting the energy production.

Another point is the reduction of energy production, as the amount of electricity generated by solar panels will be less on rainy days, due to reduced sunlight intensity. On cloudy days, the production can be as little as 10% to 25% than is generated on sunny days.

Like this, rain helps clean dust and dirt off solar panels, beneficial for long-term efficiency. However, in some situations, rain can also temporarily accumulate dirt on the panels, affecting energy production until rain clears them completely.

The efficiency of a solar energy system on rainy days will depend the size and quality of the solar panels, as well as the energy storage system, if any. High-quality solar panels and adequate storage systems help maximize the use of energy generated during periods of low solar incidence.

If the solar energy system is connected to a storage system, such as batteries, it is possible to store the excess energy produced on sunny days to be used on rainy days or during the night, consequently guarantees continuous supply of electricity.

Many solar power systems are connected to the electrical grid, allowing power to be supplied by the utility. on what solar production is insufficient. Known as net metering, on what the excess energy produced on sunny days is injected into the grid and the user receives credits to use in times of low production.

Solar energy can still generate electricity on rainy days, although the amount produced will be less than on sunny days. That way, the use of energy storage systems and connection to the electrical grid are strategies with the aim of ensure a continuous supply of electricity even during periods with low solar incidence.

The choice between 12V or 24V solar energy depends on the specific needs of the system and the components you want to use. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and the decision should be based on the application and power requirements. 


12V Solar Energy:

Small System Standard Voltage: 12V solar power is commonly used in small systems such as recreational vehicle applications, boats, RVs, and off-grid lighting systems in small buildings or remote areas.

Affordable and competitively priced components: The equipment and components for 12V systems, widely available on the market, facilitate system assembly and reduce costs.

Less power loss: Over short distances, such as in vehicular systems or small installations, 12V power suffers less loss transmitted through cables compared to higher voltage systems.

24V Solar Energy:

Efficiency in Larger Systems: In larger systems such as homes or commercial installations, 24V solar power is more common as using higher voltages allows for better energy efficiency over longer distances.

Lower electrical current: A 24V system emits half the electrical current of a 12V system to produce the same power, resulting in lower losses due to the Joule effect (heating in the cables) in larger systems.

Cable size reduction: Due to the lower level of electrical current, the use of smaller gauge cables is possible in 24V systems, which reduces installation costs.

If you are building a smaller system, such as for recreational vehicle use or small building lighting, 12V solar power may be the most practical and affordable option. For larger systems such as homes or commercial installations, 24V solar power can deliver superior efficiency and performance, especially over greater distances. Regardless of the voltage chosen, it is essential to correctly size the system, choose quality components and install them properly in order to guarantee the maximum use of solar energy and the longevity of the system. Consulting a qualified solar expert or professional is highly recommended to assist in choosing the best option based on specific needs.

Installing solar energy is worthwhile for a number of reasons, making this more attractive and advantageous option for different types of consumers. First, by using solar energy to generate electricity, you significantly reduce your reliance on utility-supplied energy. This leads to a considerable decrease in electricity bills, generating economy for decades. 

Solar energy, a renewable and clean source, coming from the sun, is an inexhaustible source of energy. By using this source, you contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to the preservation of the environment.

The growing concern with sustainability and the search for more energy efficient properties increase the appeal of properties with installed solar energy systems.

With a solar energy system, you become less dependent on the conventional electrical grid. In some cases, it is possible be self-sufficient or even send the excess energy generated back to the electrical grid and receive credits in the account. Solar energy systems require little maintenance. are usually designed for durability and long service life, which makes maintenance costs low over time.

That said, solar energy systems adapt to the specific needs of each consumer. dimensioned, tend to varying demands, from small residential systems to large commercial and industrial systems. By generating your own energy, you are less subject to price fluctuations for electricity supplied by the concessionaire, consequently, brings more long-term financial predictability.

Therefore, Installing solar energy is an option that offers a unique combination of economic, environmental and social benefits. In addition to the financial advantages, the adoption of solar energy contributes to a more sustainable future, with less environmental impact and greater energy autonomy for consumers.
