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Sustainability Certificate

Demonstrating your brand's commitment to sustainability and future generations ensures longevity in business. Discover the benefits and how to obtain the REC Brazil certificate.


The sustainability certificate is assigned to companies, products or services that meet specific criteria of environmental, social and economic sustainability. Certification is a form of public recognition of the sustainable practices adopted by the company, product or service, and can be an important tool for promoting sustainability and social responsibility. There are organizations that offer sustainability certifications, each with its own criteria and methodologies. Included among the main sustainability certifications:


  • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design): The International certification for sustainable buildings evaluate aspects related to energy efficiency, use of sustainable materials, indoor air quality and waste management.
  • ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System): The International certification for environmental management systems lays down guidelines for the environmental management of companies and organizations.
  • FSC (Forest Stewardship Council): The International certification for forest products ensures that the products were produced sustainably and responsibly.
  • Fairtrade: The International certification for agricultural products ensures that producers received a fair price for their work and that sustainable practices were adopted in production.

The Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) certification is a system that proves the generation and consumption of energy from renewable sources. This certification allows for traceability and separate commercialization of the environmental attributes associated with clean energy, disconnecting them from their physical consumption.

The operation of the REC certificate is based on a simple premise: when a plant generates electricity from renewable sources, it produces, in addition to the energy itself, the positive environmental attributes associated with this generation, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impact in relation to non-renewable sources. These attributes are represented by REC certificates.

REC certificates can be sold separately from the energy itself. When a company or consumer acquires a REC, in practice, is buying the environmental benefits of that energy, even if it is not physically connected to its distribution grid. This approach allows consumers and businesses to offset part or all of their carbon footprint by purchasing renewable energy certificates.

REC certification is widely used in energy markets with policies to encourage the use of renewable sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, among others. These certificates are issued by regulatory or certifying entities, ensuring their authenticity and guaranteeing that each REC corresponds to a specific unit of produced renewable energy.

That said, the REC certification system It is an important tool to encourage the development of renewable energy projects and at transition to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible energy matrix. through REC certification, consumers and companies have the possibility to support and promote the expansion of clean energy sources and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, thus contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

The Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) certification works as a proof and traceability system for renewable energy generation. It allows the separation of the positive environmental attributes associated with the production of clean energy, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, from the physical consumption of this energy. This separation is fundamental to allow the commercialization of the environmental attributes themselves, without the need to physically deliver the renewable energy to a specific consumer.

Power plants that generate electricity from renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, among others, are eligible for REC certification. Therefore, they must meet the criteria defined by the certifying entities to prove their renewable origin.

For each megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy produced, the plant issues a corresponding REC certificate. This certificate is issued by regulatory or certifying entities, which guarantee the authenticity and validity of the REC.

Each REC certificate is tracked and registered in certification systems, which guarantee the transparency and integrity of the process. That is, corresponding to a specific amount of renewable energy produced.

REC certificates can be sold separately from the energy itself. Businesses, consumers or other entities interested in supporting and using clean energy can purchase these certificates as a way of proving and offsetting the use of renewable energy in their operations.

By acquiring REC certificates, a company or consumer offsets part or all of its carbon footprint, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and the use of clean energy. In some countries or regions, there is a trading market for REC certificates, for buying and selling. This stimulates the demand for renewable energy and drives the development of new clean generation projects.

Therefore, the REC certification system is a powerful tool to encourage the use of renewable energy sources and to support the transition to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible energy matrix. By separating the environmental attributes from the energy itself, the REC certification offers an efficient and transparent way to promote the generation of clean energy and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, becoming an important mechanism in the fight against changes climate change and the search for a sustainable future.

The validity period of a REC certificate can diversify depending on the specific regulations and standards of the country or region where the certificate was issued. There is no universal standard for the validity of REC certificates, as each certification system may establish its own criteria.

Some certification systems adopt the annual validity, that is, the certificates expire after one year from the date of issuance. Other systems establish a longer validity, such as three, five or even ten years.

During the period of validity, REC certificates are screened in systems of record to ensure their authenticity and to prevent duplication or misuse. Companies and consumers that acquire REC certificates generally use the environmental attributes associated with renewable energy, during the validity period, as a way of demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions. 

In order to continue using the proof of renewable energy generation after the REC certificate expires, it is necessary to acquire new updated certificates. It is critical that businesses and consumers understand the terms and expiration dates of REC certificates when purchasing them. Therefore, it is advisable to check the specific rules and regulations of the certification system in question to ensure the proper use of certificates and to avoid any non-conformities in the use of environmental attributes associated with renewable energy.

In Brazil, the certification of plants with REC is governed by the Bioelectricity Certification Program (RenovaBio), created by Law No. 13,576/2017. RenovaBio is a government program that aims to encourage the production and consumption of biofuels, including bioelectricity, in order to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector.

For a plant to be qualified and certified with REC in Brazil, is required meet certain criteria and go through a certification process. Some of the main requirements include:

First, the plant must generate energy from renewable sources, such as biomass (sugarcane bagasse, agricultural waste, rice husks, among others), biogas, biomethane, urban solid waste or other renewable sources eligible under RenovaBio.

Second, must carry out the measurement and verification of greenhouse gas emissions associated with its energy production. To be certified, the plant must demonstrate the reduction of emissions in relation to a reference for coal or natural gas.

Third, register with the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and request certification under RenovaBio. This process involves proving compliance with the criteria established by the program.

Furthermore, the program establishes emission reduction targets for each certified plant. These targets are part of the obligations of fuel distributors, who need to acquire a specific amount of CBIOs (Decarbonization Credits) issued by certified plants.

Emission measurement information and other relevant data are subject to audits and verification by entities accredited by RenovaBio, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the data used for certification.

REC certification in Brazil, in the context of RenovaBio, is a complex process that seeks to encourage the production of bioelectricity and other forms of renewable energy, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the country's energy sector. Participation in the program adds financial and reputational benefits for certified plants, in addition to promoting the transition to a sustainable and environmentally responsible energy matrix.

GASREC is a European certification that certifies the quality of biomethane as fuel for vehicles. The biomethane, in turn, It is a type of renewable gas produced from organic waste, such as food waste, animal manure and agricultural waste, through a treatment and purification process.

The GASREC certification is a way of guaranteeing that the biomethane used as fuel for vehicles answer to specific quality and sustainability criteria. In between those evaluated by the GASREC certification are:


  • Origin of biomethane: Produced from renewable and sustainable sources, such as organic waste.
  • Biomethane quality: Meets specific quality standards, such as methane content, impurities and odor.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Production and use of biomethane associated with reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels.
  • Environmental management: Production of biomethane carried out in an environmentally responsible manner, with proper management of waste and control of atmospheric emissions.

That said, GASREC certification is important for promoting the use of biomethane as an alternative to fossil fuels, contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting environmental sustainability. Certification is recognized in several European countries, i.e, a tool significant for the promotion of sustainability in the transport sector.

RenovaBio is a Brazilian public policy created by Law nº 13,576/2017 with the objective of stimulating the production and use of biofuels in Brazil. Your focus applies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport and energy sectors. The program seeks to contribute to the fulfillment of national targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions established in the Paris Agreement.

The RenovaBio certification, also known as the Decarbonization Certificate (CBIO), is one of the main tools of this program. The CBIO is a bond issued for each ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent to the that a biofuel plant is able to avoid or reduce compared to an equivalent fossil fuel such as gasoline or diesel. Therefore, they are explained through this concept: 


  • Decarbonization Targets: The program sets annual emission reduction targets for fossil fuel distributors, in order to fulfill them acquiring CBIOs issued by biofuel plants.
  • Plant Certification: Plants producing biofuels must undergo a certification process with the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). This process includes the measurement and verification of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of biofuels.
  • Emission of CBIOs: Based on the measurement information and verification of emissions, certified plants emit CBIOs corresponding to the amount of carbon dioxide avoided or reduced.
  • Buying and Selling CBIOs: Fossil fuel distributors must purchase enough CBIOs to meet their emission reduction targets. That generates a trading market for these certificates, encouraging the production and use of biofuels.
  • Traceability and Transparency: The RenovaBio certification system is based on traceability and transparency, guaranteeing the integrity of the process and the reliability of the issued CBIOs.

With RenovaBio, Brazil seeks to promote the sustainable development of the biofuel sector, stimulating the production and consumption of ethanol, biodiesel, biomethane and other biofuels, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in transport and in the energy sector of the country. country. Therefore, RenovaBio certification, through the CBIOs, is an important tool to achieve these goals and strengthen Brazil's commitment to the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Carbon Credits are tradable certificates that represent the reduction, removal or compensation of a certain amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, considering carbon dioxide (CO2), equivalent to one metric ton of CO2. These credits are used as a market tool to encourage the reduction of GHG emissions and combat climate change.

The operation of Carbon Credits is based on the concept of cap-and-trade also known as the cap and trade system which establishes a maximum amount of permitted emissions in a given sector or country. This maximum amount is divided into units, each representing a metric ton of CO2. That said, companies and industries that manage to reduce their emissions below established targets can receive credits corresponding to the difference between their actual emissions and the permitted amount.

Like this, can be traded and traded between companies and countries in carbon markets. Furthermore, companies that have difficulty meeting their emission reduction targets can buy credits from other companies that have exceeded their targets and thus offset their own excess emissions. Therefore, Carbon Credits aim to encourage actions and projects that promote sustainability and the reduction of GHG emissions.
